How to Set up an Amazon CloudFront Distribution for Your Amazon S3 Origin

Published on Jul 20, 2018

Learn more about Amazon CloudFront at - Watch this AWS TechTips demo and learn how to set up a CloudFront distribution with your Amazon S3 origin. Solutions Architect Tino Tran will walk you through the step-by-step process on getting started in the AWS Console, configuring your origin, and beginning testing your CloudFront distribution in just 15 minutes. The video features the following steps: 1. Go to the AWS Console 2. Create an Amazon S3 bucket 3. Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution 4. Specify your distribution settings 5. Configure your origin 6. Configure Origin Access Identity 7. Configure default cache behavior 8. Configure your TTLs 9. Configure additional features 10. Test your CloudFront distribution There is also a CloudFormation template available here: