EKoSystem Day on twitch.tv/aws | Distributed Monitoring of EKS with CloudWatch and Weave Cloud

Published on Jul 24, 2018

Catch up on past live streams and see the upcoming schedule at - https://amzn.to/2O7OLDU. Amazon EKS enables developers to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate their own Kubernetes cluster. Developers can quickly scale up to run hundreds or even thousands of application as part of a distributed system. But how do you get notified if user experience is degraded? Can you act quickly on identifying the root cause?Weave Cloud’s Prometheus in combination with CloudWatch provides a comprehensive view of EKS workloads. Locate bottlenecks, drill into workload performance and visualise performance trends. With automated dashboards and alerting Weave Cloud provides production ready monitoring and analytics. Date of Event: June 18, 2018