AWS re:Invent 2017: Using Amazon CloudWatch for Amazon ECS Resource Monitoring at Sc (DEV333)
Published on Nov 29, 2017
Learn how Mapbox improved and leveled up their Amazon ECS monitoring by using Amazon CloudWatch Events and custom metrics. We cover the events that kick off data collection, which enables our team to track the trillions of compute seconds happening every day on Mapbox’s ECS clusters. The result of the data collection includes custom metrics and alarms used to inform stakeholders across Mapbox about detailed ECS usage, so development teams and finance alike can easily put a price tag on each container.
AWS re:Invent 2017: Getting the Most Out of Amazon CloudWatch Alerts: Intelligence a (DEM10)
AWS re:Invent 2017: Using Amazon CloudWatch for Amazon ECS Resource Monitoring at Sc (DEV333)
AWS Knowledge Center Videos: How do I monitor Amazon WorkSpaces with Amazon CloudWatch?