Introducing Amazon Personalize & Amazon Forecast
Many data science teams struggle to capture the full value of AI for their organizations, due to challenges around data, skills and tooling. These barriers prevent organizations from using machine learning and deep learning to make better decisions and deliver better products or services. Now, introducing Amazon Personalize and Amazon Forecast, two newly launched managed services that enables developers with limited machine learning expertise to train. Amazon Personalize is a machine learning service that enables developers to create custom personalization and recommendations for your customer.high-quality models specific to their business needs. Amazon Seer is a forecasting service that uses machine learning to deliver 50% more accurate results than traditional methods. Learn more | Catch up on the excitement of re:Invent 2018 with the AWS launchpad featuring launch announcements, demos of newly launched technology, interviews with expert guests and live Q&A. AWS re:Invent is a tech education conference for the global cloud computing community hosted by Amazon Web Services. See all recordings of the AWS Launchpad at re:Invent here: and learn more about AWS live streaming here: