Announcing Two New AWS Online Data Transfer Services & New Edge Computing Capabilities

Published on Nov 30, 2018

In this Launchpad session, AWS product experts introduce three new transfer services and capabilities: AWS DataSync for accelerated online data transfer, AWS Transfer for SFTP — fully managed secure file transfer for Amazon S3, and AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized with 2x the processing power for disconnected edge computing use cases. We discuss when to use each of the new capabilities, how they work, and how they can help you with data and application migrations, data processing workflows and data protection and recovery. Catch up on the excitement of re:Invent 2018 with the AWS launchpad featuring launch announcements, demos of newly launched technology, interviews with expert guests and live Q&A. AWS re:Invent is a tech education conference for the global cloud computing community hosted by Amazon Web Services. See all recordings of the AWS Launchpad at re:Invent here: and learn more about AWS live streaming here: